Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cake Recipe Retirement


"Dyslexics do not all share the same gifts, but all have some common characteristics.
's core capabilities shared by tuttto dyslexics:

  1. I can use their ability to alter and create perceptions (Primary skills).
  2. I am extremely aware of their surroundings.
  3. 'm more curious than average.
  4. think mainly in pictures instead of words.
  5. have much insight and introspection.
  6. think and perceive multi-dimensional way (using all senses).
  7. can hear their thoughts as real.
  8. have a vivid imagination.
These eight key capabilities, if not suppressed, diminished or destroyed by parents or school, will result in two characteristics: above-average intelligence and extraordinary creative abilities. It can
emergence of the true gift of dyslexia: the gift of command.

The gift of mastery develops in many ways and in many different areas. Albert Einstein was to physics, for Walt Disney Art, Leonardo for Science, Technology and the Arts together. "

(from the book: The Gift of Dyslexia)


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