Friday, November 26, 2010

Bushnell Tactical Elite 1x32 Vs Trophy 1x32


When I was given the diagnosis, in mid-January 2010, they made me put on a waiting list for speech therapy. A long list

least a year, which means that for a year certainly do not call anyone.
In September 2010 Alexander was called by the CRO, a rehabilitation center that is located very close to our house ... a real fortune. The speech therapist

Ale called Daniela, we are taking a path that will be a long long time, but at least we started. The therapy will begin after the assessment ... and then with the teachers, you will find the path best suited to the needs of my child.

I can say to be confident: the teacher of Italian Alessandro, says it is much improved, now writes well, and writes a lot.

But it was not easy but ...
During this summer, with much serenity and tranquility Ale made his holiday homework.

Some things do with my eyes closed, some strands, fatigue and other terribly
dismissing it out.
analyze the situation.
I try to do cursive writing endeavors ... but what he writes and then can not even read it ... and I say, but because he has to write in cursive? Alessandro
now, print ... clear, clear, clean, understandable work alone ... ... The teacher Sandra (Italian) is thrilled!

But it was not always so.

Infuse I understand ... my son has amassed a sensational year of setbacks, a year when even his best efforts were rewarded with an attitude of great discontent on the part of teachers, and he not only never reached the ' longed-for goal, but we do not even come close little by little.
And every day having to be put in front of their boundaries, to face their difficulties, and never do anything good ... well I think that degrades whoever. An impassable wall was what appeared before the eyes of my small, too big to be a wall pass.

Memory was a huge obstacle. I asked the neurologist
"But why Ale, remembers well some things and others not? "

She said that many things still remain a mystery to them.
is not clear why the brains of these children retain complicated paths to perfection, such as memory cards Yughi Oh, the precise order in which cards are to be made, whose names are often very hard, and do not store anything for the multiplication table of 3, for one thing.

Alessandro revealed to me one afternoon and his secret Yummy ... speaking very calmly of the drawers of memory ... so he called them.
In those drawers, are the important things that can never be forgotten.
I asked, how do you categorize as you decide what stays and what goes on, and of course he did not know how to answer.
But I kept wondering, what to remember and what not, trying to fit with what I remember the same situation, what I had put in memory.

Yummy, as usual it came with an explanation.
"Your son, commits them to memory, what for him is important, as you do, instill ... just that what's important, essential to remember, it's not for him, that fact does not store things you store, but retains others, you can not remember at all. "
unfounded and so does our mind, our brain ...
Sometimes it happens to me, not to remember all the things that have happened to me, I have experienced, perhaps even a long time ago.

Our brains ... SELECT ... and do it for various reasons.
-Why we live what is important to remember
-Why we live what we would remember it wrong and it is automatically deleted, and for many other reasons.
But our brain is a treasure chest full of a thousand secrets, yet indecipherable, what about a person who uses it differently from us, who is ill, it is very simplistic ... NOT FOUND??

So if the insegante your child tells you, as it did to my math, at the end of last year after having saddled a ZERO SPLIT a check two days before the end of the school, that the task was easy and that those things in the classroom had been made and remade a thousand times ... here, then you are free to say that this teacher has understood nothing, absolutely nothing, and that want to understand ...
WHY IF YOUR CHILD and dyslexia, he will not AFFIXED to forget things ... not his fault ...

Being dyslexic does not choose to be teachers ... SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!


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