Friday, April 23, 2010

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school fees ... It 's a scam! Student Action

The school fees are voluntary, yet many schools are passed for mandatory.

The school fees are approved by the Boards of the Institute. Paragraph 622 of Law 296/2006 (Financial 2007), again speaking on the topic of compulsory education, which lasts ten years and its elevation, determined that "the regime is still free in accordance with Articles 28, paragraph 1, and 30, paragraph 2, second sentence, of decree 17 October 2005, no 226.
Because of the principles of compulsory and free, may not impose fees or require mandatory contributions to the families of any kind or to carry out the curricular activities and those related to the performance of compulsory education. Any contribution to the enrichment of the cultural and educational Pupils can then be paid by households exclusively voluntary .
Many official documents allows users to assess the contribution of the voluntary schools. Here are the main
- Consolidated (LD 297/1994) art. 200 - Tuition and cases of exemption
- frequently asked questions page Public Relations Office of the Ministry of Education;
- Opinion of the Regional School Emilia Romagna
In particular, in the opinion of the Regional School of Emilia Romagna is stated that the Consolidated has to be considered the only reference to the discipline of school fees. Therefore, the payment of tuition / fees is the only indispensable condition for the regularity and frequency of inclusion of pupils in the segment of education is not compulsory.
may refuse the application form if you do not pay the voluntary contribution?
No. As previously stated the schools are not owners of independent power to tax fees and taxes, this may
exclusively reserved to the State. So can not force citizens to pay any sum and can not refuse a request for inclusion due to non payment.
My headmaster said that the fee must be paid because he has established the School Council. It 's true?
False. The school board is not vested with the power to change the nature of the contribution the school, which is voluntary. At the discretion as to the entity and determine the activities for which it is intended.
What do I have to pay?
Students who have completed compulsory education are required to pay the so-called taxes school. The regulatory framework is still in force in terms of school fees (Article 200 Legislative Decree 297/1994) provides for four distinct types of tax: registration, frequency of examination and issuance of diploma.
Entry fee: E 'payable at registration for a particular course of secondary education, there is a periodic payment and is devoted entirely to the Exchequer. The amount is € 6.04.
Attendance fee: Must be paid each year. This fee must be paid in full and if the student withdraws from school and if it is forced to stop frequently for various reasons. Payment is recognized as valid in the case of a transfer student from state institution to another state.
examination fee: Must be paid only in secondary school in a lump sum at the time of application for examination eligibility, services, support, licensing, qualification, state.
diploma fee: The fee must be paid in lump sum, at the time of delivery of the qualification.
Who is exempted from paying school fees?
Article. 200 Legislative Decree 297/94, the exemption of tuition fees may be admitted on merit, for economic reasons, and for belonging to special categories of beneficiaries. These types of exemption apply to all fees except for fees charged for a diploma.
What are the contributions for school?
Contributions should be directed to technological education, school construction and expansion of training (DL. Bersani Law 40/2007). In reality, schools often use them to cover ordinary expenses: cleaning, maintenance, photocopying, short supply teachers, etc..
Contributions are tax deductible school parents?
All voluntary contributions to schools during the school year may be deducted by individuals to the extent of 19%, provided you kept the receipt for payment and the reason has been specified as follows: donation for (at least one of the following reasons) technological innovation, expansion of training, school construction. Often the schools, to avoid running out to the families that the contribution is voluntary, do not provide this indication. So the contribution paid may not even be deducted from taxes.
If you do not want to pay what can I do?
As explained at length in the preceding paragraphs, each student is entitled to the basic educational services without paying, because the voluntary contribution to school should be targeted to increase the educational offer. Therefore the only contribution that a student is required to pay your school is the reimbursement of expenses incurred by it on behalf of the families: booklet of the evidence, the paper report cards (which remain at the end of five students) and insurance , provided that it has signed a school. These items of expenditure can not exceed € 20-25. Therefore take this to the Headmaster that the school you are going to pay only the reimbursement of these costs through a A letter sent by registered / R. In the letter communicated your intentions to pay only the portion of contribution strictly compulsory school, citing documents and laws listed above, and attach a copy instead.
Why school leaders use the contribution school?
Ministry for years is cutting funds to schools, so to be able to ensure the functioning of the schools are forced to ask for money to the families. If once the contribution was less onerous and intended to expand the training offer, now serves mainly to ensure the basic functioning of schools: maintenance, cleaning, material use as office paper and toner, etc.. Also serves to advance money to pay for supply teachers short, which in theory are covered by the state but in practice fall on schools for years without being provided the funds provided.
What do you advise me?
If your family has the chance, I advise you to pay, because the demand for schools is often justified by a real need for survival. Also you can judge for yourself if this money is spent for better or worse through the service provided by the school. On the other hand if you do not have the financial ability, the law protects you and gives you the opportunity to avoid paying assistance.

We will not be taken for fools!
It is not subject to this abuse widespread in Italian schools, pretending not to understand,
because we believe it is right to disseminate this information.

Now the choice is yours whether to pay or not. thank you for giving us such useful information.


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