Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Does Muscle Milk Stunt Growth




significant difficulties in learning to read in the presence of a cognitive level and appropriate education and in the absence of sensory and neurological problems.
Children with dyslexia are intelligent, not have visual or hearing problems but do not learn to read properly and in sufficient fluid: their overall performance in reading are well below the level that would be expected based on age, class, popular and general intellectual level. These difficulties usually affect even in heavily academic performance.


Reading can be quite fast, but present a number of errors (omission of words or parts of speech, confusion, reversals, substitutions of parts of words or entire words), or it can be broadly sufficiently accurate, but very slow (no automated decoding grapheme-phoneme), dyslexic children often show difficulties in understanding what they read and study subjects should read the passage several times to understand the content.
It is therefore necessary to consider two basic parameters in the assessment of reading: accuracy and speed . Based on the type of errors and reading times are subclassification of different types of dyslexia (Bakker example: reading very slow but correct P, or read pretty fast, but with numerous errors L, M, or slow and incorrect).
often associated with dyslexia are more difficulties, such as dysorthography, dysgraphia and, sometimes, slight difficulties in oral language (hard to recall appropriate words or new words in the store) and in the calculation (especially mental , the storage of tables).


In Italy: 3 to 5% - in a class of 25 children is likely that 1-2 gets the disorder. In the English-speaking countries: up to 17%.
seems that the disorder affects more males and females.


The problem is evident in second-third grade (some signs may be observed in the nursery, such as presence of significant difficulties in manipulating the sounds in rhymes, the rhymes ...)
not always the case further investigations are carried out promptly (even many children access services at the end of elementary school or middle school), because of a wrong interpretation or underestimation of the problem (there is talk of laziness, lack of motivation, psychological distress ).
psychological distress, behavioral problems and lack of motivation towards school is sometimes found associated with the disorder, but they are related or the consequences of dyslexia, not the cause.


Dyslexia comes from poor organization and activation of a series of functions which, if well coordinated, allow you to switch from the perception of a text written identification of letters and words and then to extract meaning. The loss functions involved in the process may be different in different cases and it varies with the severity of the disorder.
The main functions involved in reading are those of a linguistic and visual-perception.
- functions language: reduced ability to perceive, distinguish and manipulate speech sounds (phonological deficit and metafonologico): difficulty in distinguishing clearly the sounds that compose words, to associate the sound to the letter, putting together sounds to form words.
- functions of perception and visual attentional focus : perception of visual information processing deficits (reversals of letters, errors in mirror image, perception of words overlapping or moving), reduced ability to focus on individual elements.


Rehabilitation: An early rehabilitation helps to strengthen or reactivate the deficit and strengthen the other functions present.
There are two types of intervention:
- focus on automating the processes of reading (accuracy and speed of the increase in access to text)
- help the child to use the strategies learned, to organize better in the face of complex texts and to implement measures to help him study

School: Teachers should be aware of the problem and take it into account when assessing children's written work and presentation of evidence of verification (eg, for reading : agree with your child about reading aloud in class, not penalize for any errors or slowness, in written assignments : give a little 'more time than the class in the performance of texts, invite the child to self-correct text, to separate the assessment form from that of ; content, submit written verification of evidence in the texts in a rather big and not too dense pages ...). Sometimes it is necessary the teacher, sometimes it is superfluous (it depends on many variables, of which the specialist takes into account: number of children in the classroom, teachers of admissions, severity of the disorder, psychological disposition of the child and teachers ...).

Family Often children with dyslexia are not autonomous in carrying out tasks at home and it is difficult for a parent to follow them in activities that generally are very heavy. In some cases it is necessary to have an outside person who checks on the child at home, in others, when the disorder is not too obvious, it is good that the child learns to organize the most can independently (using aids such as the recorder or computer).

Scientific Institute "Eugenio Medea - ASSOCIATION" OUR FAMILY "

- traditional speech therapy method : workout tip of the reading process of activations related to language skills and improvement of skills metafonologiche (perception, construction, sound manipulation).
Suitable for younger children with learning difficulties in reading, writing and language difficulties associated with it. Duration: 1-2 years.

- Bakker method: involves the use of the personal computer that has your child words of different length, complexity and frequency to be read as quickly as possible. It acts primarily on visual functions related to the analysis, attention and ability to "focus" quickly and correctly parties to read.
Suitable for children of different ages with reading difficulties, with or without associated difficulties in writing. Duration: at least four months.

- Geiger, Lettvin method: processing can be done at home. The child should work independently and to choose the type of activity they prefer, but that is not used to. Includes:
- the use of a mask that you slide over the text and that favors the focusing of the word to be read, masking everything around him;
- the execution of the tasks of coordination eye-hand end, which allow the child to work in a small space perception (eg writing, painting, drawing, threading beads, sewing, model building, lego, clay ...).
Suitable for children of all ages, especially those who also have difficulties in visual-field visuopercettivo and attentive. Duration: 6 months.


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