Monday, March 21, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Is There A Trainer For Poptropica
forty hour for a few hundred meters, having the open road in front of (and six men behind). I paid dearly and I are off to return, however, that satisfaction!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Severe Diffuse Erythematous Gastritis
life cycle of plants
Dear parents, we will explain the wonderful activities that our elves have done in class during the hours of science.
The teacher Barbara sent me your photo experience on the life cycle of plants and I will the public.
The class has studied the stages from germination trays of seedlings in the greenhouse (donated by Saint Lucia), to their planting in pots.

Dear parents, we will explain the wonderful activities that our elves have done in class during the hours of science.
The teacher Barbara sent me your photo experience on the life cycle of plants and I will the public.
The class has studied the stages from germination trays of seedlings in the greenhouse (donated by Saint Lucia), to their planting in pots.
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New Democracy party
Thankfully, my knowledge of English and his Italian did not allow us to go beyond a "no, this is the first time we do this festival," if I had to explain more I heard the mysterious "pride" to be Italian.
Speaking with a Chilean recently in Italy.
"You know, true, that tomorrow is a holiday here and everything is closed?"
"Yes Hay a typical comida del dia?" Thankfully, my knowledge of English and his Italian did not allow us to go beyond a "no, this is the first time we do this festival," if I had to explain more I heard the mysterious "pride" to be Italian.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Homemade Red Dot Sight
lesson in the mood for skiing bus
Yesterday a group of students on the bus talking about the lesson just ended, someone had stood up, going under the eyes of the teacher. One African student said: "We are in 150 in the classroom and the professor knows us all by name, if one gets up, is called by name and again."
Yesterday a group of students on the bus talking about the lesson just ended, someone had stood up, going under the eyes of the teacher. One African student said: "We are in 150 in the classroom and the professor knows us all by name, if one gets up, is called by name and again."
Italians have begun to wonder how it was possible that the teacher knew every student and that comment is like at school, "but we have no democracy."
"Democracy is not licentiousness," said the African student, who did not speak fluent Italian but had clear ideas. "Your president is obscene things but this is not democracy: It is as if one comes home and kills his wife, democracy is not able to do anything. "
His companions began to joke:" and your president is like ours? "
" Worse, in power 28 years. "
" But at least it's high? "
" What? No, is low. When I was born he was there, and now there's him. "
But his comrades continued to joke about the physical and banquets.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Vedeos De Milena Velba
Disorder Understanding the text: I can not study alone.
the specific problem of comprehension of the text, despite indications in the clinical evolution provided by the international diagnostic manuals (DSM-IV and ICD-10) has not yet been defined as independent of the specific disorder specific reading disorder (dyslexia). In the "Recommendations for clinical practice for the DSA" fruit of the Consensus Conference of 2007, it is reported:
" part of the international literature addition, several studies are showing, next to the profile of Understanding dyslexia as a disorder specific decoding, even understanding the meaning of disorders of the written text is independent understanding of disorders of disorders of listening to the same decoding. The Consensus Conference welcomes the invitation to consider the trouble of understanding as a possible specific learning disorder but emphasizes the need for more research on the characteristics, undertaking research projects in this direction, particularly with respect to the role of listening comprehension " .
In recent years, however, knowledge on learning and pathology of this disorder are greatly increased so as to be sufficient be transferred to the clinic for local services. Currently in Italy there are assessment tools and information specific rehabilitation can be taken up by all those who in various capacities dealing with specific learning disabilities.
To Disorder Specific means of understanding the reading difficulty not related to the ability to decipher a text, but the ability to effectively grasp the meaning. Children with this problem, despite having normal intelligence (IQ over 90), have lower than normal performance in standardized tests that assess the ability to understand the text. Understanding a text requires understanding the individual sentences that make it up and the links between them.
requirements for understanding a text
language skills: knowledge of vocabulary and syntax of the language in which it is written
cognitive skills:
- knowledge extraction
- understanding of tacit knowledge (individual knowledge, make links to them)
- use of sul'argomento and knowledge about the patterns of textual
metacognitive skills (Brown, 1978):
- Prediction of performance level of a task
- Planning: ability to organize actions that lead to an objective
- Monitoring: check that the individual carries on the activity cognitive
- Evaluation: ability to judge the adequacy of the strategy used
Monday, March 7, 2011
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San Raffaele
I heard today, one thing that puzzles me.
And since I published a post on the San Rafael and the speed with which the issue diagnosis, it is right that I share these to what I discovered.
diagnosis, is done in one day, but is not free, and even economic.
It speaks of € 475.
You call the booking center, and after a few days you have an appointment for diagnosis, which is just in one day.
The diagnosis is concerned with Prof. Stella.
If you want to spend a little less (370 € approximately), a doctor of the team will be the Professor to make you.
Now, the information is accurate!
I heard today, one thing that puzzles me.
And since I published a post on the San Rafael and the speed with which the issue diagnosis, it is right that I share these to what I discovered.
diagnosis, is done in one day, but is not free, and even economic.
It speaks of € 475.
You call the booking center, and after a few days you have an appointment for diagnosis, which is just in one day.
The diagnosis is concerned with Prof. Stella.
If you want to spend a little less (370 € approximately), a doctor of the team will be the Professor to make you.
Now, the information is accurate!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Breville Breadmaker Instructions
Dyslexia and the Depression.
not succeed there, where the comrades have performed well, struggle to put the numbers in the column, do not ever deliver the task on time, need more time to do endless themes and said ...
But it is even possible that a child coming into the spiral of depression because of the inadequacy of his teachers?
If so, it would be horrible.
Searching the internet, I found the material I wanted to tell you.
not succeed there, where the comrades have performed well, struggle to put the numbers in the column, do not ever deliver the task on time, need more time to do endless themes and said ...
But it is even possible that a child coming into the spiral of depression because of the inadequacy of his teachers?
If so, it would be horrible.
Searching the internet, I found the material I wanted to tell you.
Center Epidemiological Studies Depression Child (CES - DC)
exception of a diagnostic interview with a psychologist or a psychiatrist, there is no completely reliable method for determining whether a child is depressed. However, one can obtain valuable information on the presence of symptoms of depression by giving the child the following test. Here's how you can give your child:
"I heard that you can understand how children feel and then I got curious to know how you felt lately. Sometimes it is really difficult for children to find the right words to describe what they feel. Here is your chance to say it in a different way. "
"You'll see that there are four possible answers for each sentence. I wish you could read each sentence and that you then you picked the answer that best describes how you felt or how you responded to last week. After each answer you can go to the next sentence. Remember that there are no right or wrong answers. "
During the past week:
1. I was bored by things that usually do not bore me.
at all ........ A little '...... Enough ....... Very ........
2. I was not eating, I did not have much appetite.
at all .......... A little'......... Quite ........ Mplto .........
3. I could not feel happy even when my family and friends tried to help me feel megio.
at all ........ A little'.......... Enough ......... Much .........
4. I did not feel as good as the other children.
at all ........ A little'.......... Enough ......... Very ........
5. I felt like I could not pay attention to what I was doing.
at all ....... A little'........... Enough ......... Very ........
6. I felt humiliated.
at all ....... A little'......... Enough .......... Much .........
7. I felt too tired to do things.
at all ....... A little'........... Enough .......... Very ........
8. I felt as if something sad to happen.
at all ........ A little'.......... Enough .......... Much .......
9. It seemed to me that the things I used to not go over well.
at all ......... A little'.......... Enough ......... Very ........
10. I felt dismayed.
at all ........ A little'.......... Quite ........ Very ........
11. I did not sleep well as usual.
at all ........ A little'........... Quite ........ Very ........
12. I was miserable.
For nienrte ...... A little'........... Enough ....... Very ........
13. I was quieter than usual.
at all ......... A little'.......... Enough ......... Much .........
14. I felt alone, as if I had friends.
at all .......... A little'.......... Quite ........ Very ........
15. It seemed to me that children who knew they were friends or not I did not want to be with me.
at all ......... A little'........... Quite ........ Very ........
16. I was not amused.
at all .......... A little'........... Enough ......... Much .........
17. I felt like I was about to cry.
at all ......... A little'.......... Quite ........ Much .........
18. I was sad.
at all ........ A little'......... Enough ......... Much .......
19. I felt not to please people.
at all ....... A little'......... Enough ......... Very ........
20. I was hard to do things.
at all ........ A little'......... Enough ......... Much .......
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significant difficulties in learning to read in the presence of a cognitive level and appropriate education and in the absence of sensory and neurological problems.
Children with dyslexia are intelligent, not have visual or hearing problems but do not learn to read properly and in sufficient fluid: their overall performance in reading are well below the level that would be expected based on age, class, popular and general intellectual level. These difficulties usually affect even in heavily academic performance.
Reading can be quite fast, but present a number of errors (omission of words or parts of speech, confusion, reversals, substitutions of parts of words or entire words), or it can be broadly sufficiently accurate, but very slow (no automated decoding grapheme-phoneme), dyslexic children often show difficulties in understanding what they read and study subjects should read the passage several times to understand the content.
It is therefore necessary to consider two basic parameters in the assessment of reading: accuracy and speed . Based on the type of errors and reading times are subclassification of different types of dyslexia (Bakker example: reading very slow but correct P, or read pretty fast, but with numerous errors L, M, or slow and incorrect).
often associated with dyslexia are more difficulties, such as dysorthography, dysgraphia and, sometimes, slight difficulties in oral language (hard to recall appropriate words or new words in the store) and in the calculation (especially mental , the storage of tables).
In Italy: 3 to 5% - in a class of 25 children is likely that 1-2 gets the disorder. In the English-speaking countries: up to 17%.
seems that the disorder affects more males and females.
The problem is evident in second-third grade (some signs may be observed in the nursery, such as presence of significant difficulties in manipulating the sounds in rhymes, the rhymes ...)
not always the case further investigations are carried out promptly (even many children access services at the end of elementary school or middle school), because of a wrong interpretation or underestimation of the problem (there is talk of laziness, lack of motivation, psychological distress ).
psychological distress, behavioral problems and lack of motivation towards school is sometimes found associated with the disorder, but they are related or the consequences of dyslexia, not the cause.
FUNCTIONS INVOLVED Dyslexia comes from poor organization and activation of a series of functions which, if well coordinated, allow you to switch from the perception of a text written identification of letters and words and then to extract meaning. The loss functions involved in the process may be different in different cases and it varies with the severity of the disorder.
The main functions involved in reading are those of a linguistic and visual-perception.
- functions language: reduced ability to perceive, distinguish and manipulate speech sounds (phonological deficit and metafonologico): difficulty in distinguishing clearly the sounds that compose words, to associate the sound to the letter, putting together sounds to form words.
- functions of perception and visual attentional focus : perception of visual information processing deficits (reversals of letters, errors in mirror image, perception of words overlapping or moving), reduced ability to focus on individual elements.
Rehabilitation: An early rehabilitation helps to strengthen or reactivate the deficit and strengthen the other functions present.
There are two types of intervention:
- focus on automating the processes of reading (accuracy and speed of the increase in access to text)
- help the child to use the strategies learned, to organize better in the face of complex texts and to implement measures to help him study
School: Teachers should be aware of the problem and take it into account when assessing children's written work and presentation of evidence of verification (eg, for reading : agree with your child about reading aloud in class, not penalize for any errors or slowness, in written assignments : give a little 'more time than the class in the performance of texts, invite the child to self-correct text, to separate the assessment form from that of ; content, submit written verification of evidence in the texts in a rather big and not too dense pages ...). Sometimes it is necessary the teacher, sometimes it is superfluous (it depends on many variables, of which the specialist takes into account: number of children in the classroom, teachers of admissions, severity of the disorder, psychological disposition of the child and teachers ...).
Family Often children with dyslexia are not autonomous in carrying out tasks at home and it is difficult for a parent to follow them in activities that generally are very heavy. In some cases it is necessary to have an outside person who checks on the child at home, in others, when the disorder is not too obvious, it is good that the child learns to organize the most can independently (using aids such as the recorder or computer).
Scientific Institute "Eugenio Medea - ASSOCIATION" OUR FAMILY "
- traditional speech therapy method : workout tip of the reading process of activations related to language skills and improvement of skills metafonologiche (perception, construction, sound manipulation).
Suitable for younger children with learning difficulties in reading, writing and language difficulties associated with it. Duration: 1-2 years.
- Bakker method: involves the use of the personal computer that has your child words of different length, complexity and frequency to be read as quickly as possible. It acts primarily on visual functions related to the analysis, attention and ability to "focus" quickly and correctly parties to read.
Suitable for children of different ages with reading difficulties, with or without associated difficulties in writing. Duration: at least four months.
- Geiger, Lettvin method: processing can be done at home. The child should work independently and to choose the type of activity they prefer, but that is not used to. Includes:
- the use of a mask that you slide over the text and that favors the focusing of the word to be read, masking everything around him;
- the execution of the tasks of coordination eye-hand end, which allow the child to work in a small space perception (eg writing, painting, drawing, threading beads, sewing, model building, lego, clay ...).
Suitable for children of all ages, especially those who also have difficulties in visual-field visuopercettivo and attentive. Duration: 6 months.
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Deslessia in comosoma 15
confirmed the genetic origin of dyslexia:
on chromosome 15 causes of disease
on chromosome 15 causes of disease
A group of researchers Scientific Institute "Eugenio Medea - Our Family" Bosisio Parini and the Faculty of Psychology, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan, led by Dr. Cecilia Marino IRCCS Medea, confirmed by studying 121 families Italian children with dyslexia, the genetic origin of the disease.
The discovery is published in the January issue of the prestigious scientific journal, Journal of Medical Genetics .
The study has at least two important implications.
The first is the confirmation of a certain recently suggested by a group of Anglo-Saxon research, which was identified in American children the involvement of chromosome 15 in dyslexia.
The second implication is that this area of \u200b\u200bthe genome is able to influence susceptibility to dyslexia independently of the cultural characteristics of different countries in which a child may be living. Therefore, regardless of the degree of difficulty by the rules of grammar and reading of the language to which a child is exposed, the chromosome region investigated by scholars seems to be one of the 'guilty' of the disorder.
Studies in recent years on dyslexic families and twins largely confirm the genetic predisposition of dyslexia. A concordant result among the various studies is in fact the increased probability of a child who has a parent or close relative with reading problems have trouble learning to turn to read.
Dyslexia is a condition in which children with normal intelligence have difficulty reading and writing of variable severity due to a problematic use of phonemes, that sounds simple, the actual 'bricks' of the constituent words. This condition, which affects about 5% of individuals, is partly determined by genetic and environmental factors in part, as to be transmitted within families. The genetic basis of dyslexia, like other medical conditions such as hypertension or depression, is nevertheless very difficult to study, probably because they contribute more genes to play a causal role and each of them alone is not sufficient to establish the disease.
" This result will be future developments - notes Dr. Marino - research will continue in order to more accurately identify the altered genes on chromosome 15, ie the smallest units of the human genome coding involved in dyslexia. Knowledge of the genetic alterations may help to clarify the mechanisms that determine dyslexia. "
So what are the new perspectives Research in this field? "A major challenge for the foreseeable future - continues Marino- is represented by being able to understand exactly which components of dyslexia are determined by the genes identified. This also means understanding what features of perception and psychological analysis are influenced by variations gene identified by our work, we believe that dyslexia may be the result of some misperceptions of the symbols of their writing, association between these signs and sounds that correspond to them, or a lack of attentional capacity. And perception and association between symbols and sounds are largely influenced by genetic factors. "
The unity of the processes that lead to dyslexia, as demonstrated by the group on the genetic basis of the Scientific Institute Eugenio Medea, in turn, according to some studies of brain functions previously performed at the San Raffaele, in which we showed that adults with dyslexia from different cultures showed the same type of abnormal brain activation during reading of words related to their specific language cultures.
"We know that this is a complex disease, in which genetic and environmental factors contribute to increasing the possibility that it occurs - comments Prof. Marco Battaglia, the Faculty of Psychology, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan. This confirmation is therefore extremely valuable, especially considering that we are in a field, the genetics of complex diseases, which have a convergence of data between different research laboratories may sometimes be difficult. "
study published in the January issue of the Journal of Medical Genetics, 41: 42-46, 2004
A locus on 15q15-15qter Influences dyslexia: Further support from a transmission / disequilibrium study in an Italian-speaking population.
Journal of Medical Genetics
The co-authors of the study of Marino Robert Jordan, Laura Vanzin, Maria Nobile, Maria Luisa Lorusso, Cinzia Baschirotto, Laura Riva and Massimo Molteni IRCCS "Eugenio Medea" Bosisio Parini (Luke) and Marco Battaglia of the Faculty of Psychology, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan .
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Recognizing Dyslexia
Approximately 350,000 children, accounting for 5% of school-age population suffers from dyslexia and specific disorders of learning. Diagnosing
as soon as possible, puts us in a position to help our children to work better, now.
I was lucky. In one year I made the diagnosis and started treatment with the ASL.
Some people also expect three years. Ale began nine months after they withdrew from diangosi Asl. Sure
Album Yummy, in the early months was essential.
Without her, we would never overcome the obstacles which stood in our way punctually.
helped us at home, at school, in everyday life.
But if I had to diagnose it yet, now that I do?
days ago I read an article, it's amazing how much material will start to turn, how many mothers in the same situation, many dyslexic children in one school of Ale.
Prof. Stella, lecturer and consultant to the San Raffaele explains what dyslexia and why it is important to diagnose it in time.
"Dyslexia is a specific neurobiological disability that hinders the learning of reading in the early years of school. It occurs in children with normal intelligence and educational opportunities, and the recognizable sign is the difficulty to recognize the letters, the slowness with which the child learns to decipher the words, difficulty copying from the blackboard, etc.. "
In essence, the dyslexic child, struggling to write in cursive, to put the double, to memorize multiplication tables.
Broadly speaking, it is.
Identify and diagnose in time is necessary and possible.
It takes specialized course, and the San Raffaele, Rome, offers this opportunity. There is a CALL CENTER
Dyslexia, which provide information about:
SOS DYSLEXIA Toll 800,125,955
and a site http://sosdislessia.sere-na.it/sosdislessia/ where you will find all necessary information.
(Taken directly from the site recommended)
* The operation of each center is ensured by a team coordinated by Prof.Giacomo Stella, and is composed of personnel with direct experience in the field. The staff of each center provides:
is also crucial to the fitting Conle schools: be prepared a personal education plan which the school must follow in order to provide adequate information to facilitate the learning process for your child.
Enough tears!
worth a try, no?
Approximately 350,000 children, accounting for 5% of school-age population suffers from dyslexia and specific disorders of learning. Diagnosing
as soon as possible, puts us in a position to help our children to work better, now.
I was lucky. In one year I made the diagnosis and started treatment with the ASL.
Some people also expect three years. Ale began nine months after they withdrew from diangosi Asl. Sure
Album Yummy, in the early months was essential.
Without her, we would never overcome the obstacles which stood in our way punctually.
helped us at home, at school, in everyday life.
But if I had to diagnose it yet, now that I do?
days ago I read an article, it's amazing how much material will start to turn, how many mothers in the same situation, many dyslexic children in one school of Ale.
Prof. Stella, lecturer and consultant to the San Raffaele explains what dyslexia and why it is important to diagnose it in time.
"Dyslexia is a specific neurobiological disability that hinders the learning of reading in the early years of school. It occurs in children with normal intelligence and educational opportunities, and the recognizable sign is the difficulty to recognize the letters, the slowness with which the child learns to decipher the words, difficulty copying from the blackboard, etc.. "
In essence, the dyslexic child, struggling to write in cursive, to put the double, to memorize multiplication tables.
Broadly speaking, it is.
Identify and diagnose in time is necessary and possible.
It takes specialized course, and the San Raffaele, Rome, offers this opportunity. There is a CALL CENTER
Dyslexia, which provide information about:
and a site http://sosdislessia.sere-na.it/sosdislessia/ where you will find all necessary information.
(Taken directly from the site recommended)
* The operation of each center is ensured by a team coordinated by Prof.Giacomo Stella, and is composed of personnel with direct experience in the field. The staff of each center provides:
- a thorough clinical assessment within two weeks of booking. The execution of all the exams required for the evaluation occurs within one day and collection of reports is immediate;
- delivery of clinical findings together with the evaluation;
- the setting of rehabilitation treatment according to the methods most advanced;
- the establishment of a personal education plan for school, to provide information appropriate to facilitate the learning process of the child;
- willingness to meet with teachers to address the problems of school children.
is also crucial to the fitting Conle schools: be prepared a personal education plan which the school must follow in order to provide adequate information to facilitate the learning process for your child.
Enough tears!
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After the meeting ... and more ...
The meeting followed two weeks have been a series of ups and downs.
After only two days, Alexander had two divisions with top marks in places, that in his class did not understand anyone. A miracle?
Alessandro has become a strategist, and I understand that to survive, but often implement the strategies of survival, which does not always make me happy.
His speech therapist expecting a baby ... and soon will go on maternity leave. In these days, is followed in tandem, Daniela and Silvia, who is going to happen.
I am not happy, Silvia is not that delicious, but all these changes, they will do well to Ale? Especially calculating that he had just used to Daniela? It was just made aware of?
But apparently, life is made of too rapid change, and the centuries have taught us that survives only those who adapt to change.
But I am calm, quiet. And do not even know why. At the bottom of Ale at this time is relatively peaceful, sleep well, eat well. At school I feel happy to go, although sometimes he tries to stay in a miserable home.
In recent days his confessions on the 'lies' to stay at home that made us swallow in recent years.
white lies that we had already sgam time, but whose confessions, just to where he tells us, are a source of great entertainment.
Often my husband burst out laughing thinking about it and says,
'Do you realize, that nano?
Oh yes, it is our dwarf, perfect perfect!
Oh well then I must tell you this.
know what he wanted yesterday to Alessandro gift?
a secret diary, complete with a padlock, which has already begun to write down his thoughts and his beloved secret, but then said that we will read. =)
My heart!
And then, last but not least, I will tell you that this will squash our beloved educator with laughter.
Ale to school tired. I take a little distant, but unless you explain a little, never understand.
Just why is hard to keep long time, the Yummy, and the teachers had together decided not to make him the second pomeridiami falls under its time to form.
Ale has also begun to make speech in the morning, and then as Ale lose two hours of school a week, the teachers have asked to return the falls.
OK, far be it from me, the idea of \u200b\u200bimpeding the path of my son and educational zeal of its teachers, with the consent of Yummy we accepted the proposal
tragedy of tragedies, because when he goes to therapy Ale works, it is not to have fun, so it's not less work, work in different ways to fill his gap.
And so we removed the falls, again.
Ale the other day but he was a brat back from school one day in the fall, and I at one point I was really exhausted. I turn around and say
'Good Ale, as it serves no purpose, from next week start to make returns.'
he turns around and seraphic, she replies:
'And Yummy say?'
\u0026lt;INCISO> Ahoooooooooooooooooo! But that must command
Yummy home miaaaaaaaaaaa ??????????????\u0026lt;/ SENTENCE>
I say to Al and he says
'Yummy does not want me to do returns. '(note the use of the subjunctive!)
Here, the presence of Yummy is felt even when she's not there.
I know that you've created a monster ... the monster screen!
The meeting followed two weeks have been a series of ups and downs.
After only two days, Alexander had two divisions with top marks in places, that in his class did not understand anyone. A miracle?
Alessandro has become a strategist, and I understand that to survive, but often implement the strategies of survival, which does not always make me happy.
His speech therapist expecting a baby ... and soon will go on maternity leave. In these days, is followed in tandem, Daniela and Silvia, who is going to happen.
I am not happy, Silvia is not that delicious, but all these changes, they will do well to Ale? Especially calculating that he had just used to Daniela? It was just made aware of?
But apparently, life is made of too rapid change, and the centuries have taught us that survives only those who adapt to change.
But I am calm, quiet. And do not even know why. At the bottom of Ale at this time is relatively peaceful, sleep well, eat well. At school I feel happy to go, although sometimes he tries to stay in a miserable home.
In recent days his confessions on the 'lies' to stay at home that made us swallow in recent years.
white lies that we had already sgam time, but whose confessions, just to where he tells us, are a source of great entertainment.
Often my husband burst out laughing thinking about it and says,
'Do you realize, that nano?
Oh yes, it is our dwarf, perfect perfect!
Oh well then I must tell you this.
know what he wanted yesterday to Alessandro gift?
a secret diary, complete with a padlock, which has already begun to write down his thoughts and his beloved secret, but then said that we will read. =)
My heart!
And then, last but not least, I will tell you that this will squash our beloved educator with laughter.
Ale to school tired. I take a little distant, but unless you explain a little, never understand.
Just why is hard to keep long time, the Yummy, and the teachers had together decided not to make him the second pomeridiami falls under its time to form.
Ale has also begun to make speech in the morning, and then as Ale lose two hours of school a week, the teachers have asked to return the falls.
OK, far be it from me, the idea of \u200b\u200bimpeding the path of my son and educational zeal of its teachers, with the consent of Yummy we accepted the proposal
tragedy of tragedies, because when he goes to therapy Ale works, it is not to have fun, so it's not less work, work in different ways to fill his gap.
And so we removed the falls, again.
Ale the other day but he was a brat back from school one day in the fall, and I at one point I was really exhausted. I turn around and say
'Good Ale, as it serves no purpose, from next week start to make returns.'
he turns around and seraphic, she replies:
'And Yummy say?'
\u0026lt;INCISO> Ahoooooooooooooooooo! But that must command
Yummy home miaaaaaaaaaaa ??????????????\u0026lt;/ SENTENCE>
I say to Al and he says
'Yummy does not want me to do returns. '(note the use of the subjunctive!)
Here, the presence of Yummy is felt even when she's not there.
I know that you've created a monster ... the monster screen!
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