Monday, March 21, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Is There A Trainer For Poptropica
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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Dear parents, we will explain the wonderful activities that our elves have done in class during the hours of science.
The teacher Barbara sent me your photo experience on the life cycle of plants and I will the public.
The class has studied the stages from germination trays of seedlings in the greenhouse (donated by Saint Lucia), to their planting in pots.
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Thankfully, my knowledge of English and his Italian did not allow us to go beyond a "no, this is the first time we do this festival," if I had to explain more I heard the mysterious "pride" to be Italian.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Homemade Red Dot Sight
Yesterday a group of students on the bus talking about the lesson just ended, someone had stood up, going under the eyes of the teacher. One African student said: "We are in 150 in the classroom and the professor knows us all by name, if one gets up, is called by name and again."
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Vedeos De Milena Velba
Monday, March 7, 2011
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I heard today, one thing that puzzles me.
And since I published a post on the San Rafael and the speed with which the issue diagnosis, it is right that I share these to what I discovered.
diagnosis, is done in one day, but is not free, and even economic.
It speaks of € 475.
You call the booking center, and after a few days you have an appointment for diagnosis, which is just in one day.
The diagnosis is concerned with Prof. Stella.
If you want to spend a little less (370 € approximately), a doctor of the team will be the Professor to make you.
Now, the information is accurate!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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not succeed there, where the comrades have performed well, struggle to put the numbers in the column, do not ever deliver the task on time, need more time to do endless themes and said ...
But it is even possible that a child coming into the spiral of depression because of the inadequacy of his teachers?
If so, it would be horrible.
Searching the internet, I found the material I wanted to tell you.
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Approximately 350,000 children, accounting for 5% of school-age population suffers from dyslexia and specific disorders of learning. Diagnosing
as soon as possible, puts us in a position to help our children to work better, now.
I was lucky. In one year I made the diagnosis and started treatment with the ASL.
Some people also expect three years. Ale began nine months after they withdrew from diangosi Asl. Sure
Album Yummy, in the early months was essential.
Without her, we would never overcome the obstacles which stood in our way punctually.
helped us at home, at school, in everyday life.
But if I had to diagnose it yet, now that I do?
days ago I read an article, it's amazing how much material will start to turn, how many mothers in the same situation, many dyslexic children in one school of Ale.
Prof. Stella, lecturer and consultant to the San Raffaele explains what dyslexia and why it is important to diagnose it in time.
"Dyslexia is a specific neurobiological disability that hinders the learning of reading in the early years of school. It occurs in children with normal intelligence and educational opportunities, and the recognizable sign is the difficulty to recognize the letters, the slowness with which the child learns to decipher the words, difficulty copying from the blackboard, etc.. "
In essence, the dyslexic child, struggling to write in cursive, to put the double, to memorize multiplication tables.
Broadly speaking, it is.
Identify and diagnose in time is necessary and possible.
It takes specialized course, and the San Raffaele, Rome, offers this opportunity. There is a CALL CENTER
Dyslexia, which provide information about:
and a site http://sosdislessia.sere-na.it/sosdislessia/ where you will find all necessary information.
(Taken directly from the site recommended)
* The operation of each center is ensured by a team coordinated by Prof.Giacomo Stella, and is composed of personnel with direct experience in the field. The staff of each center provides:
- a thorough clinical assessment within two weeks of booking. The execution of all the exams required for the evaluation occurs within one day and collection of reports is immediate;
- delivery of clinical findings together with the evaluation;
- the setting of rehabilitation treatment according to the methods most advanced;
- the establishment of a personal education plan for school, to provide information appropriate to facilitate the learning process of the child;
- willingness to meet with teachers to address the problems of school children.
is also crucial to the fitting Conle schools: be prepared a personal education plan which the school must follow in order to provide adequate information to facilitate the learning process for your child.
Enough tears!
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The meeting followed two weeks have been a series of ups and downs.
After only two days, Alexander had two divisions with top marks in places, that in his class did not understand anyone. A miracle?
Alessandro has become a strategist, and I understand that to survive, but often implement the strategies of survival, which does not always make me happy.
His speech therapist expecting a baby ... and soon will go on maternity leave. In these days, is followed in tandem, Daniela and Silvia, who is going to happen.
I am not happy, Silvia is not that delicious, but all these changes, they will do well to Ale? Especially calculating that he had just used to Daniela? It was just made aware of?
But apparently, life is made of too rapid change, and the centuries have taught us that survives only those who adapt to change.
But I am calm, quiet. And do not even know why. At the bottom of Ale at this time is relatively peaceful, sleep well, eat well. At school I feel happy to go, although sometimes he tries to stay in a miserable home.
In recent days his confessions on the 'lies' to stay at home that made us swallow in recent years.
white lies that we had already sgam time, but whose confessions, just to where he tells us, are a source of great entertainment.
Often my husband burst out laughing thinking about it and says,
'Do you realize, that nano?
Oh yes, it is our dwarf, perfect perfect!
Oh well then I must tell you this.
know what he wanted yesterday to Alessandro gift?
a secret diary, complete with a padlock, which has already begun to write down his thoughts and his beloved secret, but then said that we will read. =)
My heart!
And then, last but not least, I will tell you that this will squash our beloved educator with laughter.
Ale to school tired. I take a little distant, but unless you explain a little, never understand.
Just why is hard to keep long time, the Yummy, and the teachers had together decided not to make him the second pomeridiami falls under its time to form.
Ale has also begun to make speech in the morning, and then as Ale lose two hours of school a week, the teachers have asked to return the falls.
OK, far be it from me, the idea of \u200b\u200bimpeding the path of my son and educational zeal of its teachers, with the consent of Yummy we accepted the proposal
tragedy of tragedies, because when he goes to therapy Ale works, it is not to have fun, so it's not less work, work in different ways to fill his gap.
And so we removed the falls, again.
Ale the other day but he was a brat back from school one day in the fall, and I at one point I was really exhausted. I turn around and say
'Good Ale, as it serves no purpose, from next week start to make returns.'
he turns around and seraphic, she replies:
'And Yummy say?'
\u0026lt;INCISO> Ahoooooooooooooooooo! But that must command
Yummy home miaaaaaaaaaaa ??????????????\u0026lt;/ SENTENCE>
I say to Al and he says
'Yummy does not want me to do returns. '(note the use of the subjunctive!)
Here, the presence of Yummy is felt even when she's not there.
I know that you've created a monster ... the monster screen!
Monday, February 28, 2011
How Many Calories In Cheese On Toast

Here for you a very good recipe for cream puffs.
Ingredients for donuts (serves 40-45 donuts):
· 1 kg of flour
· 15 g of salt
· 180 g of sugar
· a hint of vanilla
· 100 g of butter
· 2 or 3 eggs
· water (400 ml)
· yeast two cubes (cubes are usually 25 g, and then make 50 g in total)
Mix the ingredients in the order given to the egg: water (the dose indicated) should be added gradually until a fine paste which is worked by hand for at least 20 minutes to add the yeast should dissolve in a bit 'of water (which may very well be part of the 400 ml) and add the entire mixture.
After processing, place the dough in a pot, covered with a dry, dry for 20-30 minutes: Here begins the leavening that to be optimal (and not too long), should take place in an environment warm enough .
After this time, form small balls of dough about 50 gl'una and arrange on a lightly floured tablecloth pressing a bit ', so they take the shape of a disc. Grease the side up and then wiping it with a finger that you first set in a little 'oil (the one then fry the donuts, but you should first put his finger to heat the oil ...). This is the second leavening phase, which should last at least an hour (also depends on the temperature of the room) and must bring the balls to swell visibly, almost double in volume.
In the meantime you can prepare the cream.
Ingredients for cream:
· 1 liter of milk
· a lemon in the grate peel
· 250 g of sugar
· 6 egg yolks
· 80 g of flour
· a hint of vanilla
Put the milk in a saucepan with the lemon peel and 100 g sugar: Mix and bring to boiling.
Meanwhile, beat with a hand whisk the 6 egg yolks with the remaining 150 g of sugar, add flour and vanilla, you get the batter, stirring quickly and should be added to milk when it boils. Stirring constantly with a whisk, heat over medium heat for 2 minutes: the cream that comes out should be no "missing" a lump!
brings us finally to the cooking stage : high enough to put in a pot of 2-3 l of sunflower oil and heat without letting it "boil" (just see a bit 'of steam rising by the parties to turn the heat: an oil burning donuts too hot outside and cooks them in!). The donuts are made by taking them into the pan with a spatula and inversion so that enter the oil with the surface which had previously anointed if the rise has taken place should be good to float away. Cook well on both sides, remove them and absorb the oil on paper (the best is the yellow one, "straw"), place the cream, rotolateli a bit 'in sugar (not icing) ... ... and eat them.
If you are the first to try again, you'll be more lucky!
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Dictation: squirrel
The squirrel lives mostly in Europe and Asia.
E '40cm long including the tail. Its color is reddish.
lives in trees: Quick jump into the branches and build them its nest.
does not go into hibernation in winter. The squirrel is a herbivore, eat: nuts, acorns, pine nuts ...
The female can give birth to children 3 to 6. The cubs are born blind and no longer need their mother at the age of 2 months.
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Description: The horse
E 'a pet. His relationship with man began many centuries ago, used as a beast of burden is at war.
Today the horse is loved and appreciated in the competitions.
There are many breeds of horses, some very tall and strong, like other low pony.
The horse is a herbivore and is a mammalPhilips Saa7130hl Vista

Description: The spiral
The snail is a mollusk of land,
his body is contained in a rugged shell that serves as
house. Its color is brown with some yellow tones.
The snail also has two antennae that end in the eyes. This animal lives in the meadows, strip the walls and on tree trunks, leaving a trail of jelly.
usually grandparents are angry because the snail eats the salad garden
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Do Tv Ratings Count Dvr?
The long-awaited meeting, as I said in the previous post, took place Feb. 14 at 16:30. Yummy
I had to go armed, but our beloved educator is superimpegnata at this time, but I spoke to her on the phone, I had instilled courage and strength and still I was very prepared for each topic that could have come out. I was armed
love for my son, and the desire to understand where they broke off communication with the math teacher, the only one that still leaves me puzzled.
I climb the stairs, and while I do not know if I get the teacher to expect that there is Paola, who is absent or hope, a sense of fatigue comes over me. I have to talk, to reaffirm concepts million times in meetings, memos, meetings. I feel tired. But I get.
I expect the teachers in the classroom Paola and Sandra, who asked not to be present at the meeting, even said: "The meeting I will be there." No problem, I do not eat anyone, but if you feel more secure as well ... ok! Paola
The teacher is visibly upset, and held his arms folded into a atteggiamneto it seems to me to completely close to me ... which tells me that a good start!
that I turn to her, and she never looks at me in the face ... for the whole match just a couple of times and when his eyes meet mine ...
Maybe we're both straight, I know what awaits me, but she certainly does not know what awaits!
"The reason why I went to the Dean" I start smashing an ice cold that I dropped on my back "was the phrase that he said to my son, comparing him to Joseph
(I always say to Alexander, you are very less sick of Joseph, you do not have reasons for not working).
He said to me during a meeting, now if can not deny. Instead if you deny it, tells me that I misunderstood. I misunderstood. I misunderstood.
That is absolutely not true, but I choose not to comment and ask instead what he meant.
He says he meant the opposite of what I understood.
But look ... then I misunderstood, I heard one thing for another: the mother, like son ....
He tells me that no one can go from Dean to bother with such silly things that the Principal has better things to do. And then they, too, from now on will be the Dean, bypassed.
"What you've always done," I say remember the last two years by the late Dean.
"Oh well" response.
"The dean has better things to do that listening to a mom outraged? I would say no, is there for that too. If loss of communication between us, I go higher body afficheè restore dialogue. In fact, if I did what I had been recommended, I made the complaint, directly, without speaking. "
" We are at this point! "
Yes, unfortunately we are at this point.
Why he has to do when a mother sees her son being sick, because a teacher is so determined not to follow the directives given to him to work well, make him feel good?
competitions in mathematics, for one thing, Alex should not do it.
"Then Mrs. not send him to school when there are competitions in mathematics. "he laughs.
But diciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii??
Even Sandra chews bad, but how do you say such nonsense.
" How can we not send him to school, she did not do the races, which to no avail. There are other ways to tell if a child knows or does not know the multiplication table. "
" But he makes the races with the calculator "..........
Imagine the scene, while Alessandro enter the first number his partner has already given the answer and Ale is yet another defeat.
But she laughs as I will be nervous about ... or do you find that says as he talks nonsense.
spoken of 0 (Zero) 's another. is justified by saying that zero was punitive.
"Well certainly did not express praise, even Alexander must have noticed, in fact he cried for two hours back home. "
Ok, I say. Suppose I tell you that I accept zero as a punishment.
But the task was assigned to Alexander given in accordance with the provisions? multiple choice questions, more time to work, preference for the oral
Well ... no, he had to write answers to open questions.
Now I laugh!
"Well teacher Paola, Alessandro He would not ever played a role as well, and she knows it well "
" But then I asked him orally and did not respond.
"After sderenato dry with a zero, I'm not surprised that it was a little disheartened"
"But Ale works when it wants, it is also good"
I do not see more now ... just more!
"This last sentence tells me, tells me she has not even deigned to read the first two lines of the guides that I sent you about"
"No no, I read them, I also attended a workshop "All waste of time.
According to Article 10, which I quote, in fact:
10 - Evaluation of children with specific learning difficulty (DSA)
1. Pupils with specific learning difficulties (SLD) properly certified, the assessment and verification of learning, including those carried out during the final examination of the cycles, must take account of specific subjects of such pupils for such purposes in the conduct of teaching and examinations, are adopted as part of the financial resources available to existing legislation, methodological and educational tools and dispensers compensatory deemed most appropriate.
final result. I understand that you, not adapt, I understand that she is the fourth type of teacher described Blog Grenci Ross, I understand that the wall is still tall, and even slightly scratched, I understand that there is closure, complete closure and frightening. I understand that there will still be discussed, to score points, to organize meetings, to wipe tears.
But on Tuesday I took Alexander from Method Feuerstein and his teacher Professor Di Pillo told me that Ale is very good, lively, interested, always ready with an answer.
'It is too strong ... "
This is my son ... an earthquake delicious.