The State Council stipulates that teachers of religion have the right to participate in the elections and their vote can make average students who choose to follow .
With a ruling this summer, the administrative court had declared illegal the participation of teachers to ballots, as "the Italian state does not provide the opportunity for all citizens to achieve a training credit in their own faiths or those who claim not to profess any religion, ethics in public morals." Minister Gelmini had been criticized the decision of the TAR, and addressed the Council of State. And now came the new ruling that in effect readmit religion teachers in the peer.
The State Council supports the Minister of Education Gelmini saying that teachers of religion have the right as any other faculty member to defend their votes during the elections and the students who choose to follow the religion can now receive this additional credits. The vote of religion then averaged together with the other votes for all students who follow it. As for those who do not follow the religion hour, the average rating will be made only on other subjects, thus excluding religion.
The Council of State, in fact, is not discriminatory to offer opportunities to teachers of religion to participate in the peer reviews of those students who have not chosen to follow their subject, although they are a minority in the class. And it is right that the votes of religious media can do for students who follow them, like all other subjects. Religious education can serve, to those who follow, to acquire credits like any other course of school.
Minister Gelmini announced with great satisfaction "the news that the State Council has recognized the legitimacy of the orders in which it was stated that the purpose of, the school credit, determined by averaging the ratings given by the pupil, it was necessary to take account the opinion expressed by the teacher of religion. The State Council decided that in fact, if the student chooses to take advantage of this teaching, the matter becomes mandatory for the student and therefore helps the allocation of credit. "
the publication of the ruling Council of State, once you are out and on the web "comment" there is some student who is in favor of that decision because it raises the average of their grades, and who is not, defining the order unconstitutional, because Italy would be a secular country.
Religious education is, according to Ministry programs, a 'time during which they are taught the various religions of the world, not just the Catholic Church: therefore we can not define the measure unconstitutional. In theory. In practice, however, is not so because in some cases religious instruction is often confused by the teachers themselves, with the hour of catechism, in which only the Catholic religion is taught. Another method, that most used by teachers and loved by most students, is to "pass" the time of religion is not doing anything, maybe repeating the matters of hours.
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